Monday, October 24, 2011

Zonnige Oktober

It was a very lovely, sunny weekend here in Holland. I've discovered my phone does not like to take pictures of the canals when it's sunny. It just doesn't do it justice. I still try.

Quick overview of the weekend: Friday night I had dinner at Palladio with some Portland ladies that were in town visiting Rachel. Dinner was great. They agreed to seat us rather late in the evening, and so by the time we'd finished our meal the place was fairly cleared out, and the staff was beginning to clean. A waiter turned on some tunes, and soon the whole restaurant was dancing in their seats and singing. Someone from a table near us came over to ask if I was married to the French president, to which I of course responded 'yes.' It was a good evening.

Saturday Rachel came over and dominated my apartment with laundry. I'm impressed she was able to carry so much laundry across town, and up my four flights of stairs. Determination!

Saturday night was Neeza's birthday party. We celebrated well into the evening/morning.

Sunday I grabbed brunch with a friend, did some laying in the park, made sushi for dinner, and went to bed really early. I'm looking forward to doing some more sleeping tonight.

Some fall colors:

Dinner with Rachel, Andrea, Beth, and Jesse

Laundry day:

Trimming the dead stalks from my basil plant:

Neeza's big 4-0

Heart-shaped vinyl—legit.

Some shots on Sunday and Monday:

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