Friday, January 31, 2014

Stateside Trip Summer 2013

My usual pilgrimage home tends to happen over the Christmas holidays. And although Christmas is very lovely at my parents, I missed all the splendid activities summer had to offer. So, this year, we opted for a bit longer trip, allowing us to hit up Seattle and Portland, as well as my parents, during the summertime.

Although I had been home twice since moving over to Amsterdam, this trip was a bit different. Going home to my parents place out in the mountains, is quite different than visiting a U.S. city. This was my first time being to a U.S. city in 2 years, and my first time being surrounded by so many Americans. And wow. 

I always viewed the northwest portion of the country to be perhaps a bit neutral as far as the 'american-ness' goes. I think of it as a people that would blend in with other cultures fairly easily in comparison with perhaps other parts of the country. I still believe this, but wow. The people are still very very very American. That's not meant in a bad way, I have just gotten so used to being surrounded by Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, South African, English, Swedish and German in this weird mixed melting pot that I have become a bit more sensitive to the potency of so many Americans in one place.

I still feel like a foreigner here in Amsterdam, but I'm surrounded by foreigners, so, it's just normal. This trip made me feel like a foreigner in America, surrounded by locals. Not something I had expected.

It was a very good trip, completely packed with getting my fix on as many things as possible — 
We visited my younger sister in Seattle, and I introduced Ignasi to the beginning of his food-culture education; that we of course continued in Portland. We also packed in some camping, hiking, a coastal visit and sailing.

There are certainly a lot of things I miss about those summers back home!

First up: Seattle! Unfortunately Heidi and Colin had to get us on our jet-lag-zombie end of the trip, but we still managed to have some fun! 

Linda's bloody mary with buffalo jerky changed Ignasi's view of bloody marys forever.
"Because drinking can be hard work, and sometimes you need a snack"

Visited the trailer park mall in Georgetown as well as Fantagraphics

Some lazy time at the wonderful Gassworks Park (There's that space needle!)

The gum wall at Pike Market

Pike Brewing Co.

Next stop: Oregon.

We took the train from Seattle to Portland. The train had some Park Service employees in one of the cars that you could go and listen to, to learn the history of the area we traveled through. Something Ignasi was very excited about.

Our gracious hosts and long time friends Lisa and Kurt! So good to see you two!

And so begins 'The Food Tour'
First stop, Zell's for breakfast:

Followed by Angel's Rest hike at the Columbia Gorge:

Another day, another breakfast. 
The Food Tour: Pine State Biscuits

Although it was a brief trip, and we only managed an hour of beach time + lunch...we did manage to get out to the lovely, and stormy Oregon coast:

The Food Tour: Burgerville — Ignasi's first drive through experience. The look of terrified excitement.

One of the days we made it up near Mt. Hood for some good old fashion family camping. New beer?:

Teaching Ignasi how to pick an appropriate marshmallow stick.

Kurt and Lisa — Our camping champs with all the gear:

After a quick 4 days in Oregon, it was time to pack up and head North.
Our final Food Tour Stop: The Waffle Window 

Next Stop: Onion Creek to see my parents and spend some time in the quiet! 

My parent's lovely home:

The pond we spent our summers in:

And the garden I earned much of my first income weeding:

One day we drove up to British Columbia to hike Old Glory:

Mom and Dad at the top:

Ignasi taking a dip after the hike:

Next activity: Sailing on lake Roosevelt

We didn't get much wind in the end, but I was more than happy to have some sun and swim time:

Our camping cove:

Morning view:

Bald eagle — because it's America:

Another lazy wind-less day:

And just like that, in a blink, the trip was over! We had to say goodbye to the doggies and hit the plane.

Parting Shot — Sea of sunflowers on the way to Spokane:

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